Owning a GPS jammer is in itself not illegal, but using the devices to interfere with signals is a crime, according to the Southeastern Finland Police Department.
So professional drivers, watched by their employer, are using those to escape the control.
Even if they allow them to disable the GPS, it would be a reason for firing smb. Or to cut their wage since, drivers with GPS on will get a bonus if they are faster. Or sth shit like that.
This is a safety thing. There are laws about how long you can drive without breaks because tired truckers kill people in accidents. They can't force a driver to actually rest when stopped, but if there's no law, then you know they'll never rest. I would agree if this was simply active monitoring of location on a company sedan, but it's different when the job is specifically driving for long periods
I agree. But the post I replied to literally describes a way for the employer to spy.
Rather than the employer spying, how about we keep the timer local on the vehicle. You don't even need GPS for that either. Vehicle on, timer starts. Beeping after set amount of time. Beeping gets louder for every 10/15 minutes ignored. Insert an alucap condensator and resistor to not reset the timer after a certain amount of time.
But I have no experience with truckers or their vehicles. So I might as well just be talking out of my ass.
My experience with US trucking is it used to be done on paper. It probably still uses a lot of paper but electronic systems are common. The paper logs would be reviewed by the employer but could also be checked at road checkpoints. They could be easily pencil whipped, hence the move to electronic. There is a constant drive from the logistics side to get better telemetry about shipment speed and from governing bodies to maintain safety. Local storage of data isn't too feasible for access to that data when the trucks most at risk of violating limits are the ones that rarely go home. I guess it could have a standardized wired interface at inspection like obdii and checked as often as paper logs, but wired mobile devices are a rarity in any field these days.
It can also tie into mandatary rests, that the vehicle has to be stationary. And that is good thing as it makes it harder for emplyers to exploit their drivers.
You are registering where your own vehicle is driven by an employee that should not be using it for personal things anyway.
In contrast to his/her face, this is not registering anything personal about this employee.
It's illegal, at least in my country, to use your camera to keep an eye on your employees. You can only view it in case of illegal activities, for example something being stolen, etc. You also cannot save the footage for more than a certain amount of time, unless it needs to be used for an investigation of said illegal activities. I think it was 2 weeks, but I'm not sure.
Using the camera to check up if your employees are working is illegal.