There really isn't time. Nobody, not Harris, not anyone will be able to raise the money and coordinate a national campaign between now and the election. The time for him to step aside was like two years ago. Harris needed time to establish her own identity as president to take on Trump. If he withrew from the race, he would have to step down as President because he'd be basically admitting he's too feeble. Harris trying to run as VP would have all the negatives of Biden and none of his strengths. And that's assuming ten more candidates don't step up to try to take the nomination from her.
I agree with you that I wish we had a better Democrat because we really cannot afford another Trump term, but Biden is it. Unless he dies, he's the nominee. I hope he finds the strength to win it.
It's not just money. It's getting the name recognition out there, and most people simply don't pay any attention to the VP. Biden might as well pick a total stranger.
Plus, it's about charisma. In general, people have to like the candidate before they'll vote for them, and Kamala is less charismatic than Biden.
The second sentence is why you’re getting downvoted.
Under the constraints of the system we’re forced to use to elect our politicians… there's actually not. And yeah, I hate it too. But if it’s Biden or overt fascism, I pick Biden.
that's because when political parties primary presidential incumbents, that party loses the white house. you want to put trump and his christian nationalist wet dream project 2025 in power?
besides there's the other fact that no other democrat was inclined to run for president, nor are any of them able to now. signature requirements to run in the super tuesday states were due last thursday iirc. so the only way biden will not be the candidate is if he has to step away from the presidency between now and the convention.
biden is the candidate. if you have a problem with that you should have done something about that in 2016.
you want to put trump and his christian nationalist wet dream project 2025 in power?
Biden is losing. Trump was one of the least popular presidents in history. Biden is even more unpopular. He's losing 5/6 battleground states that he won last time.
You say we need Biden in order to beat Trump but Biden stands little chance against Trump.
he hasn't lost any states yet because we're not in the general election, lol. we're talking about polls. which of course aren't 100% but 2020 and 2016 Trump was losing in polls... it's the first time Trump is actually dominating. It's not looking good.
Trump has virtually closed Biden's lead in Hispanics. Back in 2016 only 26% of Hispanics voted for him, now it's 50/50
A generic candidate will always poll higher because they have no specific flaws and every type of voter can project their own ideal platform onto them.
For either party, they could run an empty suit and easily win this election. Anyone else could beat trump, and anyone else could beat Biden. It's like we're running the literal lowest common denominators.
And the only rational anyone can give for "why" is that it's too late, which is so obviously not true but they just keep repeating it and eventually it will be