Let’s Set a Maximum Wage for the Rich | The Tyee
Let’s Set a Maximum Wage for the Rich | The Tyee
According to ‘Limitarianism,’ no one deserves to be a billionaire. Not even Taylor Swift.
Let’s Set a Maximum Wage for the Rich | The Tyee
According to ‘Limitarianism,’ no one deserves to be a billionaire. Not even Taylor Swift.
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Taylor Swift is the new posterchild for billionaires, but honestly, she's the least egregious example of a billionaire. She makes a fuck load of money because her concert tickets are like $1000 a pop. She's known to give huge bonuses to her tour staff. If anyone is getting exploited, its her fans, but she's literally just a performer. She's hardly manipulating stock prices and doing pump and dump schemes and not paying her staff a livable wage.
"1000$ a pop"
I see what you did there.
Yeah, I don't care for her music nor her lifestyle but at least she earned her money (or the first millions anyway).
The article had nothing to do with Taylor Swift though.
Taylor Swifts name shows up before the authors name when you click into the article. it's not unfair to bring her up...
That has nothing to do WITH the article, though. The entire comment was on Taylor Swift, which the article had NOTHING to do with. Just her picture used. I am lost as to how it is relevant to the intention of the article, which was a GREAT read. This just derails the conversation to something that wasn't even mentioned.
This shouldn't be hard to logic through.
Ok so even though her name is the first name we see there in text on that page, we're not allowed to talk about her in context to the article ?
don't write her off. she's just as bad and out of touch as the rest of them. on a cultural level, we have a billionaire who manipulates her audience by writing songs that market herself as a relatable, contemporary woman and positions herself as a model of feminism. she writes songs to portray her life as a women going through a tortured life as an artist in a sexist, broken system that made her a billionaire. she's made many young, impressionable women feel that going through life as a woman is like Taylor Swift going through her eras when in reality, she's a billionaire selling an image to perpetuate her wealth.
how is Taylor writing songs that perpetuate a fake lifestyle that contemporary women feel relatable to these days any different than Warren Buffett coming out and saying he still clips his own coupons. how dumb do they think we are? it's insulting, really. she has had enough money to prove she's a good person in the past, but now she has enough money to prove she's absolutely a terrible person.
on another level, it's just music. she can write whatever the fuck she wants, but I wish people would realize it's stupid as hell to listen to a billionaire write songs complaining about love or being a tortured artist. it's ridiculous.
Do... Do you think she started off a billionaire singer songwriter?
no, she started as a private equity money manager's daughter
I think love for a billionaire just might be a little difficult and complicated. Probably would make for some interesting songs.