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Lemmy has so few comments that people actually read my comments occasionally, which is wild.
140 0 ReplyJojo
Seriously, that comment got, like, an updoot every two minutes so far. Crazy.
43 2 ReplyChe Banana
I hr and 7upvotes in and Im here to give you another handjobby...good work
11 0 Replyretrieval4558 Jojo you have the best takes, everybody knows that
10 0 ReplyJojo
My parents and a number of other people in my IRL life would like you to know that they strongly disagree.
7 0 Replypseudo
Well, tell them, politely disagreeing on personal takes is a thing on the fedivers. They should join and try. They might then find your takes very much helpful and interesting.
6 0 ReplyJojo
I've brought Lemmy up, but no one's seemed very interested. As for my takes, welllll... I share them when I'm in polite company.
5 0 Replypseudo
Same for me. But I'm not sure I'll behave the same knowing my folk are roaming lemmy's comment.
3 0 ReplyJojo
On the one hand, it has the same potential as reddit to be anonymized. On the other hand, how hard could I be to pin down?
5 0 Reply
Hi Jojo!
8 0 ReplyJojo
You've activated my trap card! Autocorrect has used the spelling of a famous singer instead of little old Jojo.
6 0 ReplyIndiBrony
Fuck autocorrect. I fixed it ❤️
3 0 ReplyJojo
3 0 Reply
Ive gotta agree cheese can go on just about anything.
8 0 Reply