We grew up with a series where Black Jesus, a perpetually horny twink, a trans slug, a bucket of goo with identity crisis, a rehabilitated rebel/terrorist, and an Irishman reconciled cultural differences to restore a planet following a decades-long occupation. And it was awesome.
Rehabilitated? Her resistance movement won the war and they just promoted her. She was not a rehabilitated rebel/terrorist, she was a successful and proud rebel/terrorist.
Lower decks has nearly constant references to the other shows. If you end up watching and enjoying the others, then you'll have rewatch lower decks for some solid hidden gems!
Similar to DS9, TNG takes a season or two to find its footing. The person who introduced me had me skip the entire first season of TNG then come back to it later.
TNG is great, chronologically it comes right before DS9 and the two intersect in DS9's first episode. Knowing the events leading up to that point adds a lot of subtext both to the episode, and the world-building and political landscape later on. I can't say it's absolutely required, but if you do watch it, you won't regret it.
Just... again, tough it out for the "pre-beard" first season. It's rough.
They overlap. I was nerd enough to sort all episodes of TNG, DS9 and VOY and watch them in order of first release. It does make sense since some story lines go through all 3 series or at least 2
I'd recommend trying to watch TOS before TNG if you can. It's aged a lot, so no shame if you cant. Just skip ahead to TNG if TOS isn't your cup of tea. If you can manage it though, its only 3 seasons and some movies and you'll appreciate some good episodes of TNG and DS9 a lot more if you enjoyed TOS first.
Star Trek TNG the first season is a bit miserable, but slowly gets good as the writers find out wtf they're doing. There's of course the original Star Trek, from 1960s, and it's absolutely beautiful but needs quite a bit of 1960s media appreciation to fully "get". It's also cheesy as fuck considering the budget lol
I love that introducing people to DS9 we're asking people to tough out the first few seasons not because they're bad or even mediocre, but because they're not as astoundingly amazing as the rest. Really says a lot about the series.
DS9's growing pains are nothing compared to other Treks. There's a few iffy episodes but most of it is still great! I'd rank "Duet" as one of the best episodes period and its in season one.
I'm halfway through season 2 and I love it, you are saying it gets better?? I've never watched any star trek movie or series at all, it seemed like a good starting place and I'm hooked.
I envy you getting to watch it for the first time. Oh yes, it gets better. I can think of only one really stand out episode that you'll have had so far (Duet). I was going to list some good ones you've still got ahead, but it was getting silly long.
Season 1 took a while to get going even on the funny side and didn't hit us stride untill late s1. And it's Seth McFarland so quite a few folks just didn't watch it and probably mouthed off.
I mean, so did simpsons, futurama, family guy - even GOT kicked off when someone lost their head half way through S1. It takes time to build a world and get invested.
I'd want anyone watching DS9 also see Babylon 5 after that.
It sometimes feels clumsy and drugs-induced, and somehow makes me depressed, and in general I don't like a lot of it, but there's something alive deep in its core which DS9 imho lacks, being nice otherwise.