The wife of an investor has launched a GoFundMe to help fund former President Trump’s mounting legal expenses in the wake of Friday’s verdict in the New York fraud case. The GoFundMe ha…
Honestly I have nothing but respect for people who manage to fleece Trump supporters with shit like this. Didn't somebody rake and millions of dollars that was supposed to go to the wall?
It's probably the most important thing we can strive for, is to make it cost, ideally severely, to support Trump.
I hope nothing more than that this grifter asks his supporters to open their pocket books to pay his debts.
It costs money to go to Washington to overthrow the government. It costs time away from work and gas to be a part of a bunch of tool bags in a caravan to stop an imagined threat at the boarder. The more we can cost these people the less effective they can be.
I'd guess that the rules of user engagement follow for Trump's base as they do for almost all other social systems. So maybe only 1/1000th of his the people that voted for him are 'true believer's. If we can get those individuals financially destitute, we might be able to stop the movement.