Yes, but that is also contingent on you placing absolutely zero value on your time.
An absolute bottom of the barrel recipe (10lb 2 row, 1lb c-10, 1oz hallertau, s-04) will run you about $30-40 per 20L batch. So after you spend hundreds of dollars on equipment, you are only saving like $40 per 10 hours spent brewing
Is it 10 active hours or a 10 hour period during which you nanny an ongoing process? I started turning 2 days a month into bread baking/meat smoking/laundry day. Each job only needs an hour each of active time but spread out over 4-6hrs. I could totally squeeze in an additional project...
Brew day is ~8 hours, I would say it's half nannying, there's usually 2 hours where you can full on walk away, but the rest is either active cleaning or you have to press a button or stir a thing every 10 minutes so you are glued to your pot
Bottling is another ~2 hours or so (sanitizing bottles and capping them, cleaning the used fermenter) - you can cut this down to half an hour if you forego bottling, but that's another $1500 in capital costs for kegging equipment
Hmm, that would be a big jump in the workload but it would fit with the twice a month schedule. I'll have to take some time before I grok this problem.
I know, Maybe if we had proper healthcare, and a government that works for it's people instead of corporations, Canadians wouldn't have to kill themselves just to sleep at night.