Videos, many of them stunts or jokes, of people wearing Apple’s new virtual reality headset while driving Teslas in Autopilot mode prompted officials to issue warnings.
Stop wearing Vision Pro goggles while driving your Tesla: U.S. transportation officials, Calif. police::Videos, many of them stunts or jokes, of people wearing Apple’s new virtual reality headset while driving Teslas in Autopilot mode prompted officials to issue warnings.
it's basically just hololens right?
also visionos is not the first "spatial os", windows 10 was the first. (ever notice how stuff has circular glow effect around it? it's supposed to show up around the pointer while using the os in vr/ar)
Microsoft quickly abandoned the idea tho as well as basically the whole uwp platform (which was supposed to bring the same apps on pc, windows mobile, xbox and hololens)
It's camera pass-through, so while it is the same idea as hololens (overlaying windows on reality). The hololens would actually be a safer thing to wear while driving, given it fully transparent. There are not screens blocking your vision with camera feeds overlayed on top.
Tell that to anyone that needs to mess with their touch apps to control the car while driving or adjusting the radio or checking emails/text messages/facebook/instagram or anything else that currently takes your attention away from the road. I am not say that you should be allowed to play with a VR headset while driving but the argument that "you are blind" is a bit dramatic.
That's just a strawman or a "what-aboutism." What you described is also a big problem, and the reason I will never buy a car with a big fat ipad as a dashboard.
Hololens is slightly more advanced. At least the last I saw it uses waveguides etc. to overlay the content over a transparent panel. Much like Google glasses, but way, way more advanced (and therefore justifiably expensive - last I saw, again, it was something like $15000). AVP is no different to a $300 Quest (plus internal cameras for iris and expression tracking and obnoxiously bad FOV) - it's 10x Apple tax.
Hololens is still alive and kicking btw, but it's exclusively enterprise.