The suit details that Carano was required by Disney to meet with a representative from the LGBTQ+ group Glaad after online behaviour that was seen as anti-trans, yet she refused. She was then asked to meet with a group of LGBTQ+ Disney employees but again refused and was fired soon after.
Interesting - I'd have thought someone who clearly has a history of using steroids would be more empathetic to those who's gender doesn't match their outward appearance
I don't know what part about this story I hate more; she was good in the role and entertaining but refused to even even meet with LGBT individuals.
Or the fact that the mouse was entirely justified in their actions here after giving her two very easy outs to save her job. If the mouse looks good next to you during a conflict, you definitely fucked up.
Also stinkrat needs to.go to Mars already and either have his rocket explode or get run over by a smart far.
I'm not about to be lectured by a bunch SJW activists, even if I generally agree with them. I can't blame her there, it sounds unbearable.
But she knew what the deal was when she skipped those meetings, and you can't come back with a law suit saying you were unfairly fired. She chose to not play the game, but still wants the disney paychecks.
Typically that's not what it is at all, but that is how the fashy media paints it.
The purpose of those kinds of meetings, is for shitty people to be placed faced to face with one or more LGBT persons (or in other situations a black person, or a Muslim or whatnot). And maybe, just maybe, the shitty person can learn, than e.g. someone gay or trans; while slightly different, largely they are just people.
I mean, it was either get lectured by the people you have been disparaging or get fired. If I had to go to a meeting because I didn't realize something I said was hurtful, I'd just be happy to still have a job.
The problem was treating her like she's not just hateful.
Ah, "SJW", "CRT", "Woke" etc. - words that right wing opinion manipulation campaigns load with anything unpopular amongst their base so they can unite in hate against the "other" group, even if no two people agree on who belongs in it and why.
I don't know what you're expecting to accomplish here. She spouted hateful things about a group of marginalized people, told that as a public figure she was not allowed to do that while on Disney payroll, and given an opportunity to save her job. She was being asked to sit down in a private meeting with individuals who identify as LBGT, not being forced to do PR work like hosting a fundraiser or having alterations to her contract obligating her to do screen work that she wasn't interested in.
I would get fired from my job for making social media posts like she did, and there is absolutely no way my employers would be willing to say everything was forgiven if I just sat down in a meeting or had lunch with a handful of people I had indirectly insulted. She wasn't being treated unfairly or being made to change her position on a subject publicly, she was being asked to stop spreading hate speech.