This seems amazing. Let me make sure I understand. I can have a free version of Spotify, add music to some playlist, and then have spotiflyer download the playlist in good quality (320kbps)?
Does it download differential? That is, if I add a new song to a playlist, can it download only that new song?
Edit: When going to the details of the downloaded files, all of them are bitrate "128 kb/s", even though I selected 320 in spotiflyer..
I think this is where login option comes in, i'll report back if it works differently between logged in vs logged out.
As for differential - yes it can download incremental given you don't move the files / folders ( doesn't have database, but check for file existence in the path )
If one needs a spotify login (and I suppose premium account?) to download in 320kbps, then there really is no reason to not use spotify directly, I suppose.
I am looking for the best way to ditch spotify completely. I need songs in 320kbps though. Maybe torrenting is the way, though it is hard to find songs.
Have u tried soulseek in that case? U can find all music lossless.(podcasts etc I still can't find there).
nicotine+ is pretty good client for soulseek.