The silence from Muslim leaders on the president’s 2024 reelection bid is speaking volumes as Biden continues to back Israel in its war against Hamas in Gaza.
Guys. Vote in your interests. Sure Biden might be a complicit war criminal but the other guy is a domestic criminal who would be an enthusiastic war criminal given half a chance.
Secure your country from the Putin's pet orangutan for another four years, then rake Biden across the coals.
If we're lucky, we won't have to deal with either of them in 2028.
So... When your choices are between two war criminals, your first thought isn't that the system needs change but that we should vote for the war criminal with a track record of war crimes?
The system needs to change, but with one of those criminals it's slow progress in the right direction and with the other it's a sprint towards fascism. Take your pick.
At least there was opposition to Trump when he did his fascism. Biden is literally funding, arming, and defending the modern day holocaust and liberals are still flocking to support him. Anyone who votes for him is just as complicit in the genocide as he is, just as the Germans liberals who voted for the Nazi party were. How are you lot still not-seeing the full picture??
Anyone who votes for him is just as complicit in the genocide as he is
What country do you think you live in?? Your entire population has been complicit and BENEFITTED from atrocities perpetrated by your government for decades! Now it's finally so bad that you can see it and what is the solution? Fuck Biden. Let's have Trump. Blow it all up. Let it all burn.
No, you fix what you have. Because power vacuums get filled by the most ruthless person on the block, always.
Man, the cognitive dissonance Americans must have to deal with.
Sorry you had to find out this way, but it's been going on for most of your lives if you'd only cared out the rest of the world enough to look past your own borders.
It's called american exceptionalism and this idea that you can just blow it up by voting for (or not voting against) the orange guy is just another example of it.
Fixing what you have is hard work. Burning it all down is a child's response and will fuck the rest of the world up.
Great contribution to the conversation. Laugh if you want, but voting for Democrats in general elections and voting progressive in primaries is the only way this country will make any progress. Push for ranked choice and other non-FPTP voting systems to get people better representation.
voting for Democrats in general elections and voting progressive in primaries is the only way this country will make any progress
Submitted without comment, without evidence, and without self-awareness. Hate to break it to you, but the only reason you say that is because you've been trained to say it through years of socialization in a white supremacist settler state. The actions you described have led the USA to its current position. When was the last time a Republican president won more votes than the Democrat candidate who lost? The last time was GWB in his second term by .7%, and that was 3 years after 9/11. Before that it was Public sentiment doesn't matter. Voting doesn't change anything. The USA hasn't been a democracy for a long while:
But there has been no progress during my lifetime (well not here and not in the US, there might have been some progress in other parts of the world). In fact, whenever we had "left"-liberals in power here in Germany, the march towards the right only accelerated, as they adopted right-wing neoliberal policies and took at least part their base with them over to the right, and the rest gets marginalized. We've had some fatal damage done to the welfare state, worker's rights and the anti-war movement, all by the social democrats and greens.
Your affirmation that there is "slow progress" is clearly not true. There was some progress before I was born, but as far as I can tell, that had nothing at all to do with voting for the lesser evil.
Are we talking about the US or Germany? And how long have you been alive? Things like legalized gay marriage, legalized marijuana (not federally but in many states), healthcare that can't deny people because of pre-existing conditions are all examples of progress that have come in the last 15 years. There's still a long way to go even on those things I mentioned, but ignoring that progress is needlessly pessimistic.
Sure but it’s always like one small step forward and two large steps back. Abortion was made illegal in many states. US domestic surveillance of its own citizens has increased dramatically and gone unchallenged. Housing and healthcare costs have continued to outpace wage growth. Inequality has increased unabated. Green energy remains woefully underfunded. I could go on.
You have to understand that in this dynamic, both sides of the electoral spectrum play a role in moving us to the right.
The liberals can do certain things that the conservatives wouldn't be able to get through, and the conservatives can do certain things that the liberals wouldn't be able to do. But the leadership of those parties are captured by the capitalist class. They sell out and mislead their base. It's all part of class warfare. And since I was born, the working class has been on the losing side, no matter whether social democrats or conservatives are in power.
Just as an example, our so-called center-left coalition just passed the most far-right deportation policy, and supported the most far-right EU immigration law (which fascists like Italy's Meloni where very happy about). Why them and not Merkel? Because without the support of the Greens (and their support networks and associated media), no serious, organized and mainstream opposition to these far-right laws is possible. Previously, all these people would lobby and protest and make a stink in mainstream media about these sorts of dehumanizing laws. But the leadership of the Green party switched sides, and withdrew all institutional support, and now this stuff can get passed with barely a peep of protest.
Agreed. Trump's recent rhetoric has been about dictatorship not presidency. It increasingly appears like a trump win would be the last election for a while.
Remember when the professionals were saying that Trump was an incompetent fascist and we should be worried about is the competent fascist that would come after him? Biden is that competent fascist. If Trump did half of what Biden did, it would be because he fucked it up half way.
Biden is actually the current figurehead of a very effective facist machine, imo, but I still don't want someone as incompetent as the alternative running the USA. That shit has a major affect on the rest of the world.
First you prevent the orange man from taking office and further accelerating the deterioration of international order -- please -- then you can look into your own country's issues, among which are milking conflict for profit and power (my country is the same, we're just smaller. I'm looking into it!)
Remember, Biden is carrying on the status quo. The USA has a long history of letting shit slide with Israel, long before Biden. It's just that Bibi is an evil trapped rat who has inadvertently "blown up Biden's game."