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Fuck Facists, never again rapidsave.com_protesters_singing_ode_to_joy_in_bonn_at_a-fdqkp7pcmydc1

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People at Bonn protesting against Nazi cunts singing Ode to Joy


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  • What? I’m a staunch atheist, I just support people’s right to be religious without getting attacked by racists.

    You sound really upset by all this, so I’m guessing your worried about getting bashed for being a fascist.

    • Threatening with violence everyone who doesn't approve of your opinion. Your behaviour sounds absolutely fascist.

      • Well maybe get your ears checked and learn what fascism actually is?

        • Oh, you believe you know "what fascism actually is"? :) Well that will be fun. Please explain!

          • Its an ideology that uses an idealised, aggrandised historical basis to promote nationalistic attitudes, often using a perceived threat from a scapegoat minority who are both strong enough to be a threat to regaining said past, while also being weak enough to easily eradicate. Where people are rallied behind authority figures who promise to fix the issues plaguing the citizens today, whilst greatly personally gaining from the hierarchical social structure they implement.

            What do you think it is?

            • Predominantly, it's the political system Mussolini used.

              People today also often use the word to describe all totalitarian systems that are used to dominate people. Believing that everyone who personally has an opinion that differs from yours should be violently beat into submission or should otherwise be eradicated is totalitarian. And doing this on the basis of believing your conviction are superior is fascist.