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meanmon13 My brain refuses to accept someone voluntarily drinks their own piss regularly when they have other options readily available... If someone actually does this please post an ama... I have so many questions
11 0 Replyrwhitisissle Maybe it's because it's sterile and they like the taste.
Edit: Y'all motherfuckers never seen Dodgeball?
14 5 ReplyTheDoctorDonna It is not sterile, that is a myth.
Edit to add source : human urine is not,scientific exploration in urologic research.
Edit: Sorry, missed the reference. I've even seen the movie a couple times, I am just terrible at movie references.
11 1 ReplyBrandon658 Wonder if the average Joe gets this.
Edit apparently not. The answer is a movie called dodgeball.
7 0 Replyrwhitisissle It's a sad day when you can't reference a movie without people correcting you. It's a little surprising, because that movie has been memed to death for like...20 years. Guess kids today on the internet haven't seen it.
7 0 Reply
Actually it's only sterile in the bladder, once it passes through the urethra it picks up bacteria.
8 2 Replymeanmon13 I guess it's possible they like the taste... I like the smell of fireworks when so many people say they stink. We all like different things
5 0 Replymechoman444 You're right. Some people like to drink their own pee.
3 0 Reply
SamanthaStankey A true classic!
2 0 Reply
15liam20 Only in an emergency
1 0 Reply