While I share your sentiment regarding dealing with fascists with violence, there were no fascists to fight at these protests. The protests are in response to fascists growing political power and backroom planning that became public and not against fascists showing up in person. When that happens people do fight them (or try to, the cops protect them).
About 300 people opposed to the mosque broke through police barricades and started punching anti-racism protesters on the steps of the Bendigo Town Hall on Saturday afternoon.
Seems like the Nazis were the one doing the punching. But than again we also have militant antifa in Germany (love those guys) - that's just not a very effective way of fighting an ideology. People don't change their believe after getting punched in the face - go figure.
Eh it was pretty even, but yeah they had buses of people and we only found out they were coming on the day so certainly outnumbered and the cops were not helping us that's for sure.
Maybe, maybe not. In the end the mosque was built and they stopped coming down. The result was all we could ask for.
Oh and mad respect for German Antifa. You guys literally invented it.
Sorry for antagonizing you, you seem like a decent dude - a bit radical for my taste and we disagree on bunch of topic, but at least we agree that nazis are bad. I take it.
Yeah, nah you too mate! I’m certainly a bit of a dickhead, so I won’t blame ya.
I always grew up being told I’d get less radical as I got older but iunno I just look at the state of the world post 2000 and I’m seeing all this shit come back that I thought was left behind 100 years ago. It’s tiring.