I will pay for premium when it means they will not sell my data and will allow me control over my algorithm to prevent it from playing to my vulerabilities. Since they won't change, I won't pay.
when it means they will not sell my data and will allow me control over my algorithm to prevent it from playing to my vulerabilities
The problem is that this will never happen. That boat has sailed - companies will never give up on their existing revenue streams. They may say that paying today will exempt you from the ads, but it's only a matter of time before they ramp up the cost and start showing ads anyway. That's how cable television started, and it's how internet streaming will end as well. And as for the not selling data/controlling the algorithm, well you have no way of proving that they don't do that so they'll do it no matter what they say.
There's no reason for google to do this whatsoever. They have their business model - any new revenue streams will 100% definitely not reduce the other ones at all. It's just gonna be another giant dump into the pile of enshittification.
I will never pay for premium. Yewtu.be and all the similar front end ad killers are always there when ublock Origin gets half a step behind in the never ending cat and mouse it seems to have with YT. Fuck tech companies. Fuck YouTube. Fuck Reddit. Fuck em all.
Google doesn’t sell your data, they’re one of the few that don’t. That doesn’t mean they aren’t misusing your data though. They’re more the dragon hoarder than the thief selling off stolen goods. They want all your data so they can learn everything about you. Selling your data to others makes it worth way less. It’s a difference in strategy. Google retains the data to enhance their products, Facebook sells your data because they have no products that would be improved by keeping it.
Sorry if I miscommunicated. No, they're not selling your home address. But the idea that they aren't monetizing your personal data aggressively is laughably wrong and heavily documented.
I don't know who started this trend of "showing ads is the same thing as selling data" but it's fucking irritating to see so many people confidently wrong about something they could figure out themselves if they thought about Google's business model for 30 seconds.
Showing ads is not the same as selling data, but it's also not really what google is doing. Google spies on you and uses that data to sell access to you to any company that wants to exploit you. They've also been known to give (not sell) data on you to law enforcement based solely on your location data or things you looked up.
Since we're all dummies and you know the answers, please go ahead and explain how Google goes about selling heavily targeted ads to uniquely identifiable groups, but that they also are not "selling data".
Are we being massively pedantic and saying that it's not actual user data, but rather leveraging said data to sell ads to the anonymized targeted groups, who are actively tracked by Google around the internet so ads can be served up at opportune times in their browsing?
Because that dumb argument is like saying Oxford Dictionary doesn't sell words, they sell definitions; or that McDonalds doesn't sell beef, they sell hamburgers.
They sell ads, but data. If you can't see the difference I can't help you. It's not "pedantic", it's being factual. Sorry you apparently think facts don't matter.