I read everyone removed about the ads but I don't get them, and I have access to an awesome music streaming service too.. you know, cause I have premium..
You don't get access to youtube music with unlock origin. If you pay for a music streaming service anyway then going with youtube music and paying the few extra bucks to get yet premium is a nobrainer.
My issue is that Spotify has sort of locked me in by knowing my tastes pretty well. My discover weekly and release radar as essential listening every week and I'm not convinced I'll be able to transfer my fingerprint in a satisfactory way.
Why is it your responsibility to pay the creators? Google is a trillion dollar company and makes billions off of what people post on youtube. Shouldn't they be paying them instead and not you?
Besides, it's only a matter of time before Google takes more and more of the cut that you think you're paying them.
Your logic doesn’t make any sense. They make money off of people paying for a service or watching ads. If you’re blocking ads then you’re costing Google money and no creators are getting paid. If you’re paying for the service then you don’t get ads, and you pay the creators, and you pay for Google to keep running the service.