Millionaires who were behind on their taxes have already paid half-a-billion dollars to get current with the IRS as the agency ratchets up high-level tax...
Given its $160k a year for an auditor’s salary… maybe $200 when all is said and done with benefits, then $2 million is a solid return on investment. I’ll take it.
That's the logic they all follow .... I don't own $1 billion .. I own $1 million and everyone else just calls it $1 billion and I tell some people to believe it and others to not believe it ... it's all a question of faith and belief ... my shareholders believe I have $1 billion but we tell the government to believe that I only own $1 million.
When you have access to millions and billions, you can make anyone believe whatever you want them to believe.
It’s all really power in the end. Which is why you see many of the most powerful people in the world nowhere near the “Forbes” list. Money is a representative of power under capitalism, but having more money than everyone else isn’t necessary to have power over them.
Case in point Elongated Muskrat. Sure he is powerful enough to destroy one of the biggest social media networks, but he can’t change the system as a whole, and if the system deems him too much of a nuisance he is gone