The Biden administration is due in federal court later this month, while Israel faces charges of genocide at The Hague this week.
In late December, 77 groups — representing tens of thousands of lawyers, civil society leaders, and activists from six continents — filed an amicus brief in a lawsuit that Palestinian human rights organizations, residents of Gaza, and U.S. citizens with family members impacted by Israel’s ongoing assault brought against the Biden administration.
According to Law for Palestine, a human rights and legal advocacy organization, there have been at least 500 instances of Israeli lawmakers, officials, and officers inciting genocide.
Sourani said that the statements by Israeli officials, along with the actual blockade, the indiscriminate attacks on civilians and civilian buildings, the basic lack of safe space, and the mass displacement of millions of Palestinians makes it clear: “All of this is tantamount to genocide.”
The plaintiffs responded to the administration’s motion to dismiss on December 22, arguing that there is precedent for U.S. courts to adjudicate questions surrounding genocide and that their legal challenge is about more than the actions of a foreign state. Rather, the plaintiffs argued, their injuries are “fairly traceable” to the actions of the U.S. government. “The suggestion that the U.S. does not or cannot influence Israel borders on the absurd, not least because the Israeli government acknowledges its actions could not happen without U.S. license and support, and Defendants have boasted about their coordination with and influence over Israel,” the plaintiffs wrote.
Conservatives should really be running with this. It's such an easy win for them. They get a genocide to satisfy their bloodlust AND they get to blame it on their enemy.
They could use it for their impeachment attempt and they could even demand he be arrested and tried in the Hague. Thankfully, conservatives are stupid as fuck and can't see the easy points.
Yup, the religious right only supports Isreal because they seriously believe once all jews are in Israel and they rebuild a temple, all jews and none believers will die in a holy fire. While the "real" Christians will float off to heaven. I wish I was joking but it's the truth. These are the people in control of 50% of our government.
I got my account a while ago but only started using it recently, and this happened to be the first thing I've felt strongly enough to comment about. What are you insinuating? What's so curious about it?
My point is that I do vote, I have campaigned, I have canvassed, I have phone banked, I have fundraised. Did it for Obama when I was 18, and the so-called "change" never came. I did it for Bernie, even phone banked from overseas, and we all know what happened there. I even tried tackling corporate irresponsibility head on by working for Greenpeace, fundraised and raised awareness, attended protests, helped people send letters to their reps, the whole nine yards. Took all this for me to realize the problems go beyond the purely symbolic particapatory act of "voting", a piece of paper in a ballot box is simply not enough. Our democracy is going to have to be fought for, that's what i'm insinuating, if that's sates any of your curiosity.
Why is violence the only other option? Your words, not mine.
We could picket and protest outside their homes and gated communities, we could strike, we could organize a boycott. Or is the reason you suggest violence, because deep down, you realize that's what it might take?
There's a real racial split between Russians and Ukrainians, but it revolves around the East/West split between Slavs and non-Slavs. It isn't something Americans really recognize and Republicans don't care either way. The GOP aren't aligning with the Russians nearly so much as they are polarized against the Democrats. And that goes back to the split in the CIA/military under Obama, which ties back to the war on terror, which really boils down to whether or not brown skin disqualifies your humanity.
So its a surprisingly complex racial thing, historically. But for now it mostly just involves taking the opposite position of the second-term Obama administration, because they're the Not-Democrats Party. If Trump ever gets back into office, it would be fairly easy to convince him to be pro-Ukraine / anti-Russia, with the right collection of NatSec folks whispering in his ear.
Besides, they’d be going much harder than Biden is. They agree with supporting Israel, and if Trump gets back in office and this thing is still ongoing, I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to send troops over to help Israel.
They've spent the last 23 years running on the "Arabs are scary and we need to kill them" platform. Why would they support a measure that's anti-genocide?
They could use it for their impeachment attempt
If they're going to run bullshit impeachment efforts that die in the Senate, why waste effort and pick a fight with AIPAC when they can just hold up a picture of Hunter Biden's dick pick and call any Democrat who votes against impeachment a pedophile?
Fuck Biden, I do hope he drops out and we can get a better candidate in the primary (if we even have one). But when it comes to the presidential vote, and the only choices are Biden and Trump, I'll have no choice but to vote for Biden. Because Trump is no longer even hiding his fascism, he's riding on it now
I really don't understand why so many people like to pretend a fight for the nomination wouldn't simply result in losing the Election. All it does is increase the number of folks refusing to Vote claiming that somehow there shall be a lesson learned after we all saw the exact same idiot claims in 2016 which all simply elected the idiot and accomplished nothing else.
Sorry, I don't understand. Do you think Biden should be the only choice for the democratic nomination for this election?
On 538 I can see he has the lowest popularity at this time than any other president we have data on. I would think more Americans would vote for a different democratic candidate than they would for Biden, even though he is the incumbent. That's why I think other choices during the primary would be better for support of the democratic party in the national election. I'm just trying to understand your point of view if you think otherwise
What is happening in Isreal/Gaza has been an ongoing event. What people forget is 2 years ago 2021 favorability to Palestinians over Isreal was up to 30% a 7% rise in a year. (In the U.S.) So from Truman till October/ November of 2023 there had never been a sitting president who represented a populous that was pro Palestinians over Israel. (Strange way to word that). Tides are changing and things are happening fast. 2024 will show us a lot.
That said, the best thing that could have happened for this country is arresting and sentencing Trump to life in prison in the immediate months following Jan 6. Then it would have given 3 years to die down, and Biden would never have ran for president. There is no candidate that showed an inkling of wanting to run that could beat out Biden and Trump (or Biden would have likely supported them or even offered to have him or Harris stay as their VP to ensure they secured the election)
Biden is the only choice as he is the Incumbent. Any other consideration is a direct path to losing. That is the simple reality. That is exactly what happened in 2016. People stayed home after their candidate did not get the nod. Demanding, promoting, or in fact whining about not having any other choices is naive and self defeating.
Our system in place creates a binary. There is no third option that is viable. You don't have to like choosing between a giant douche and a shit sandwich, but at least the douche is trying to clean something.
The long-standing reasons political scientists gave for a presidential incumbency advantage included: 1) political inertia and status quo bias (most people will support an incumbent they voted for the last time); 2) experience campaigning; 3) the power to influence events (such as well-timed economic stimulus); 4) the stature of being a proven leader; 5) the ability to command media attention in a “constant campaign” environment; and 6) a united party with no bruising primary challenges.
Today, these advantages seem less clear. Instead, growing disadvantages have supplanted them: Unrelenting media scrutiny; a bruising political environment; pervasive anti-politician bias; and above all, a spiraling hyper-partisan doom loop of animosity and demonization that imposes a harsh starting ceiling on any president’s approval.
I don't understand your point about the 2016 election, none of the articles I read about how Hilary lost the Electoral College vote despite winning the popular vote mentioned her having opposition in the primaries as one of the reasons.
I'm not saying vote third party, that's a red herring in a FPTP voting system. (It should be a kind of ranked voting system like approval or STV, hopefully if enough states switch, the national one can too.)
The Voter turn out was depressed across the States in play. That is not remotely in question.
You must get ranked choice in place before not pretend it'll get put in place.
Although the exact strategy for achieving this is beyond the confines of this paper, we have argued in the past that Democrats must go beyond the “identity politics” versus “economic populism” debate to create a genuine cross-racial, cross-class coalition that supports economic opportunity, good jobs, and decent social provisions for all people and makes specific steps to improve the conditions of people of color, many of whom continue to suffer from the legacy of historical and institutional racism in housing, schools, wealth building, and job access.
It was very ugly and suppressed turn out because the folks that bought into the propaganda stayed home "to teach the Dem.s a lesson". Of course the actual lesson was lost a many folks that are again buying into the propaganda.
Yes, yes I do. I have had the misfortune of encountering several in my life, sadly. They are basically the same as incels, sov cits, and evangelicals in their extremeness and hatred.