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Hand driers that use air increase "germs" on your skin. Paper towels reduce them.
If there are no paper towels I use toilet paper. Last time I used a public restroom I dried my hands on my pants.
22 4 Replynezbyte There is a lot of fear-mongering and misinformation about paper towels vs air dryers. Paper towels are marginally more hygienic because air dryers spray the particles off your hand into the air. Neither are a good option if you don’t wash your hands well to begin with.
19 0 Replyfunkless_eck I dont know if this has been definitively proven as last I heard the studies that reflected this were paid for by paper manufacturers.
10 1 Replypikmeir They tested this on Mythbusters and found air dryers to be unsanitary.
3 1 ReplyEnsign_Crab They are unsanitary and don't actually dry your hands, but they save the company money, so they're what we get.
3 1 Reply
The big-paper-towel psyop
1 0 Reply
lightnsfw Can also use the paper towel to open the door on your way out.
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