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VelvetStorm It's because having a big dick back then was associated with being stupid, so it wasn't something people wanted.
126 2 Replysmeg In Ancient Greece maybe, was this still the opinion during the Renaissance?
37 0 ReplyDrCake I think because they looked to Roman and Ancient Grecian art as the “ideal” therefore copying those ideas and attitudes in their own works.
63 0 Reply
Hawk Biggus Dickus disagrees
10 0 Replyblahsay OP Barbarians had big schlongs notoriously and you don't want to be that!
9 0 ReplyMummifiedClient5000 It still is.
13 12 ReplyRobertOwnageJunior Hu?
8 1 ReplyDragonTypeWyvern That guy has a micro, and instead of working on his tongue game decides to believe things that aren't true.
5 4 Reply
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