Ours was the opposite. The whole family had a crazy cold the 2nd week of December. And my kindergartener (virus vector, for short, we love him), recovered in time for the last week of school before vacation. But he was in school until the Friday before Xmas and then went back yesterday. So we reached around trying to get all the things we normally do in 1-1/2 weeks, in about 5 days.
Holidays and weekends for me now I have kids are way more exhausting than work. More enjoyable, but jesus fuck I dont get a break. At least at work the expectations on me are clear and I get to take breaks where nobody bothers me.
My son has finally learned to get himself some breakfast on weekends (just turned 6). It’s made Saturday mornings just that tiny bit more relaxing, until ski season started anyway.
I would have been more relaxed if I just had two regular weekends with nothing to do than having had three extra days off that were spent traveling and going to see our families...