Maine barred Donald Trump from the primary ballot Thursday, making it the second state in the country to block the former president from running again under a part of the Constitution that prevents insurrectionists from holding office.
The decision by Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows (D) is sure to be appealed. The Colorado Supreme Court last week found Trump could not appear on the ballot in that state, and the Colorado Republican Party has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review the case. The nation’s high court could resolve for all states whether Trump can run again.
Royal also argued that Trump violated Section 3, while Gordon’s challenge took a different tack, arguing that Trump is not eligible to be on the ballot because he claims to have won the 2020 election, which would have been his second term. The 22nd Amendment states that no person shall be elected to the office of president more than twice.
arguing that Trump is not eligible to be on the ballot because he claims to have won the 2020 election, which would have been his second term. The 22nd Amendment states that no person shall be elected to the office of president more than twice.
Oh thats clever!
"The 14th Amendment Constitution says you, an insurrectionist, cannot be on the ballot"
Trump: "I'm not an insurrectionist! I was defending my election to office in 2020!"
"Ah, okay then so you're admitting that you're trying to run for a 3rd term in violation of the 22nd Amendment of the Constitution
They don't care if he admits it or if it's true. They only care about what he instructs them to care about. Please, we must all start to understand this otherwise it's us living in an illusion.
"They" are human beings. "They" are our family and neighbors. "They" are people who are being exploited for political gain. You'd do well to keep that in mind.
I don't think the idea was to dehumanize, but rather to be more aware of the shared psychosis so many people are living in.
"They" claim that Trump won the election without any regard to facts and evidence. Imagining that "they" will suddenly change their mind if they get just one more piece of factual information is foolish considering everything we've seen so far. We must find another way to get through to "them".
Just because I'm using a plural pronoun I'm not dehumanising anyone. Please read what is actually written and keep your desire to scold people at home.
They have been behaving like members of a cult and have alienated family members, relatives and friends with their MAGA-narrative filled of hate and xenophobia.
All of the things you listed are attributes humans have. There is no such thing as sub-humans, you're thinking of regular humans.
Trump supporters are easily fooled idiots but they are fellow humans nonetheless. Thinking of a group of people as "sub-humans" oppens the door to treating that group as inferior and not worthy of respect which leads to fascist tendencies. Please be aware of what your words mean.
Inferior is extreme though. I would say gullible idiots for the Qult crowd, but most people are just wholey uninformed. Uninformed voters are more likely to become single issue voters (IMO the worst kind). I don't know if you noticed, but the news cycle is exhausting. So, I could just ignore it and choose the side that wants to control women's bodies because I'm superstitious. Wouldn't even know democracy was under any threat at all. Of course, some are informed, but are so concerned with controlling women's bodies that they wouldn't mind totalitarianism.
Another often overlooked factor is people treating politics as another team sport. Some people will just never vote for the other side. And again, if they are uninformed, there will never be anything to change their mind.
I think a better way to say it, would be respect. I might hold more respect for someone who can critical think there way through the bs, but if they can't I wouldn't say they are inferior.
It’s obviously childish as fuck to be playing such twisted logic games with something as important as the Presidency. Clever is not a word I want applied to American jurisprudence
Obviously they're not operating in good faith, so they'll come up with some nonsense justification as to why president loser deserves a 3rd term or something anyway. But that's still a novel approach.
arguing that Trump is not eligible to be on the ballot because he claims to have won the 2020 election
mondo big LOLs there. It's not likely to hold water in court, imo, and I'm guessing that the argument will be that he never took the oath for the second term. Buuut it might mean Trump is either going to have to admit to the court that he didn't win or he's going to be told by the SCOTUS that he didn't. Get dunked on, idiot.