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Animal shelters overflow as Americans dump 'pandemic puppies' in droves. They're too broke to keep their dogs Animal shelters overflow as Americans dump 'pandemic puppies' in droves. They're too broke to keep their dogs

Shelter Animals Count, a national database, estimates that the U.S. shelter population grew by nearly a quarter-million animals in 2023.

Animal shelters overflow as Americans dump 'pandemic puppies' in droves. They're too broke to keep their dogs

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  • So, here’s where I will disagree with you. I admit I had to lookup gameness for a definition. Gameness speaks to their pain threshold and tenacity, but not of viciousness. I’m here to tell you from experience. All dogs over a certain size have a ridiculously high pain threshold. As far as bite force pitbulls aren’t even in the top 10.

    But when you get right down to it. It still always comes down to irresponsible owners. Even if what you said was right. If people that owned them took the proper steps to prevent attacks then attacks wouldn’t happen. People should treat their dogs like a loaded gun. Make sure the safety is on in public.

    Dog attacks are preventable. It’s not hard. But anyway. Yall have a good night. I’m going to play video games with the woman.

    • It still always comes down to irresponsible owners.

      It cannot only come down to irresponsible owners. Like, a baseball bat is just as capable of killing someone as a gun, but it does not only come down to how irresponsible their owners are–an irresponsible baseball bat owner is far less likely to kill someone with their bat than an irresponsible gun owner. People should not have to treat their dogs like a loaded gun. I have never seen someone talk like that about a border collie, or a dalmation, or a golden retriever. I certainly don't see my dad's saint bernard/black lab mix like that.

      Again, I don't have anything against specific dogs. I don't think all pit bulls need to die just for being pit bulls. But I also don't see why there needs to be another generation of any breed of dog that needs to be treated like a gun. Get them neutered, enjoy the time you have with them, and then get a mutt in 20 years.