A federal judge in New York has ordered a vast unsealing of court documents in early 2024 that will make public the names of scores of Jeffrey Epstein's associates.
Also Epstein 100% killed himself, and unsealing this info won't tell you anything meaningful, because predators who hide among the rich don't fucking tell every person they meet that they're a predator.
Conspiracy theories are never a good look on anyone.
The video being lost around the original attempt is rather suspect, but him finding something to hang himself with again... He should have been in a paper gown in a padded room. We have tons and tons of suicidal people in asylums and jail that are not given an opportunity to hang themselves.
Someone as high profile as him and with a cell mate?
I'm not saying he 100% didn't kill himself, but It sure as hell looks like somebody went through a lot of trouble to provide him opportunity.
The hidden people on the list that makes this list so inconsequential are the same exact people with the type of reach it would need to make sure he didn't start naming names.
Yeah, no need to answer anything I point out just put your hands over your ears and tell me I'm QANON and full of shit that'll really make your point and help your position here.
Come to think of it maybe there's a reason you're getting all the down votes...
"Conspiracy theories" have ironically enough become weaponized as a thought terminating cliche. Am I supposed to not wonder what about his guards and what they were doing, or the camera feeds, or the people getting paid six figures to handle his case, or the dozens of other loose ends?
There are enormous efforts being taken to gaslight people out of their curiosity about this case.
Hopping into this conversation to say: that person is right; I'm not downvoting you because "rich people bad". I'm downvoting you because you aren't engaging in this discussion to share ideas and understand the other person. Your approach in this discussion is very much one of shutting down thinking that opposes yours. That doesn't get a dialog going; it ends it. You can do with that as you like, but I thought I'd speak up for myself so you don't mischaracterize my downvote.
Epstein 0% killed himself. See? I can assert things with no evidence as well. The whole thing reeks from start to finish and I have no idea how anyone can be completely confident in what happened either way.
I agree with you on the papers (been following that story since it broke), and I'll agree that I probably would've offed myself in his position as well, but there were some pretty unprobable shit happening around his death unless I've been misled hard. I mean the guy was on suicide watch, wasn't he? It's at the very least suspect as hell that it happened like it did.
There are people who collect and document the information from the Epsteins of the world for blackmail.
It was how Hoover built the FBI. I am not claiming that Epstein was murdered, but anyone who tries to cash in on the information that Epstein had, would have information that destroys lives. Desperate people do act desperately.
I would guess that little 'conspiracies' abound, as people try to not be outed; using non-disclosure agreements, for example.