Which of your favorite creators content quality went downhill very quickly?
Kind of a trend, the amount of youtubers who i had loved but their content became generic after gaining popularity is quite a bit, most drastic one being mrwhosetheboss, his uniqueness went down faster than MH27 MH17
Sam Hyde/MDE, some hilarious stuff before Trump then they just became boring political trigger/shock humor. He has this weird feud with Heidecker alleging he convinced Adult Swim to cancel his show which Tim denies as ridiculous. Hyde can be hilarious but he ruins it with sincere right wing politics and trying to be as offensive as he can for the sake of it.
I agree with you here. I stumbled onto his video maybe 5 years ago or so and some of them were so bizarre and hilarious, and to find out now he's deep in the alt-right, cryptofacist nutjob space is so disappointing.
The TEDx talk is absolute gold, "my dream is to teach Javascript to African children." Considering he's given money directly to Daily Stormer he's just openly fascist at this point.
That's exactly the one that came to mind first. He was able to cast a light on the self aggrandizing TED and TEDx talks that are so often full of hot air. It's a really shame that so many fall into that pit of fascism and can never come out.
Casualty of Trump for sure, seems like he was just the right age and identity to get wrapped up in it and it sort of fed into his brand of comedy. Wish these guys could rip on liberals without going fascist or becoming sincerely right wing.