Hi! Ok. There is a lot to unpack.
First of all, thank you for your kind wprds. And for being so interested in the topic.
A year of Milei can be sintetized with "he made impressive economic feats... which were paid for by the working class".
It is true, inflation is down, prices are more stable, dollars are stable also. He did a lot. I would be praising him if not for the fact that the working class got to, again, pay the bills of the capitalists.
In his campaign, he promised that the " caste", a vague invented group composed of mostly politicians and businessmans, would pay the price of the exonomic shock and also would be on the receiving end of the harsher policoes, if you will. That, however, as many of us in the left knew, wasn't gonna happen. And it did not. So, the economics part was real, but he lied on the basic premise of his campaign winning argument.
Then, we have the social dimension of his government. And here is worse: he rules by decree instead of by consensus, mischaracterises every politocian or entity that disagrees with him as corrupt, bad,lobbied, communist, socialist, leftist, etc.
1 in 3 protests are repressed by police ilegally (the methods are illegal, properly speaking).
He made it easier for his followers to be more violent, regularly demosntrates disdain for LGBT folks, leftists, and so on.
He does not exhibit any apparent understanding of how democracies are supposed to work, with his party bribing congressmans for votes, even when the laws thay propose are unconstitutional.
They are also using state mobile apps as propaganda for the government.
It's 4am here, so sorry if I sound a little all over the place. This is my view. I'd advise to research more on this, via different nws source taht have different editorial lines, as to avoid getting only one point of view of the topics I talked about.
All in all, economic fixes are worth nothing, in my opinion, if the working class gets destroyed and the rich get more and more rich.