People aren't fucking paying attention. I don't mean the 30% or so who are MAGA die-hards. I mean literally every other person who considers voting for Trump. So many of them don't even pay attention to the news that they aren't even aware that this is a horse race where, as bad as one contender can be, the other one is a fucking Nazi.
No, they're paying attention. They're voting for the fascists on purpose, because they will only hurt the people who they feel deserve it, and then America will be available to the right kind of people.
Yup. Lots of pro-lifers, 2A nuts, etc only vote based on the one topic that they’re firmly entrenched in. They don’t care about the fascism, as long as their one issue is protected.
The thing no one talks about is that these voters who want to hurt others feel that way because of a perceived hardship or wrong done to them. They are also told that immigrants and "others" who aren't like the voter, that's the real cause of the hardships and problems.
If those voters would ever learn that the people who hurt them are also the same ones who are telling them who to hurt there would be a fantastic reckoning. Everyone can be happy except for the psychopaths turning folks against each other.
Also, people who lean left need to get off their asses and vote. About half of eligible voters actually vote, and slightly more eligible voters lean more left than right. If half of those left leaning non-voters voted, imagine how many races would be won handily by Democrats.
To me these are the people who need to be paying attention and doing their civic duty.
I don't mean the 30% or so who are MAGA die-hards. I mean literally every other person who considers voting for Trump.
I don't think anyone is on the fence at this point. If anyone is even considering voting for Trump they agree with at least some of his agenda, which is entirely batshit insane.
If they find any of his qualities or policies even the slightest bit appealing they are part of the maga crowd. There's absolutely nothing moderate about him, there's no room for middle ground.
As much as I hate to say it, I still think there are people so clueless as to be voting for him for what they think are "good" economic policies (for their own 401K or the price of groceries/gas). They are so low-info that they think people are just upset with him for "mean tweets" or the like.
But how do those people ignore that the economy was a mess with Trump, disease rampant, open violence, etc? And the economy has been much improved under Biden and life has relatively calmed down? Is it all FOXnews and its wannabes?
Im going to vote for Biden for obvious reasons, but I really wish he and his team would stop wholesale lying about the economy right now. The college I worked at went under about 4 months ago. Over half of the colleagues I was close with have not found another job yet.
We all have degrees, and are going to have to resort to working fast food.
The economy is still in the shitter. Avarage Americans are insanely poor. The housing market is still owned by corpos and the bubble is bigger than ever.
Biden didn't make it much worse but he sure didn't fix anything.
There is a contigent of people who are accelerationists, hate everything Trump stands for, but want to vote for him to burn it all down and start anew.
I am not one of those people... that seems like playing with strange alchemical fire.
Those people don't understand that it's really hard to start building something new from underneath all of the rubble.
It's like starting a fire in your house and then hiding in the basement.
They don’t care. They just don’t want to vote for a Dem. Since the Dems are commies, devil worshippers or whatever the latest meme that hit these voters’ Facebook timeline tells them to think.