Why is this a thing? I like iMessage but is there a reason people are trying to force their way into the protocol or whatever? Just to show blue or is there something unique to iMessage that no one else has?
iMessage chats are supposedly horribly broken for people participating over SMS. It got so bad in the US that teenagers treat it as a status symbol too.
Adding to this, people in the US in general treat the blue message bubbles as a status symbol.
We’re also apparently the largest userbase of iMessage, whereas the rest of the world has more sense to use third-party apps to talk to family and friends from around the world.
peopleSome/many iPhone users in the US in general treat the blue message bubbles as a status symbol.
Plus, the iMessage approach is the right answer. A single messaging app that will use a modern network-based comm channel with anyone who has the capability, with a fallback to SMS/MMS for those who don't.
Which Signal was doing until this year, unfortunately.
You know, people mention the status thing, and I keep thinking "I've never once ever heard or read someone even remotely implying that (except super obvious trolling). Who the hell is actually saying this? Sounds like something people just say about 'fanboys'".
But being a thing with kids makes sense. Especially how little I care about what they think.
I've heard it, I have Millenial and much younger family members, and it's a real thing.
Kids/young adults are horribly status conscious, and since SMS really breaks iMessage conversations, they'll sometimes leave out people who don't have iMessage rather than deal with the downgrade.
It's crappy, it's juvenile, but it happens plenty... Just like the dumb, juvenile stuff we did when we were... juveniles
When a group chat on iPhone includes an SMS-only participant, it downgrades the conversation for everyone to SMS. So everyone gets crappy images, and certain iMessage group features don't work.