So there is this app claiming on-device iMessage functionality on Android. Seems cool but only has subscription based pricing. Does anyone know of a way to circumvent this?
IPhone users have a weird obsession with Blue bubbles. The rest of us find it childish and annoying. They refuse to use any messenger other than iMessage.
I have a friend, not currently on iPhone, who was having trouble with SMS (note that SMS has a known message failure rate of about 10%+). He refused to switch to another messaging app, doesn't want to have multiple places to message from. 🤦♂️
This is the mindset of iMessage obsessors. Frankly I see it as pretty juvenile. They don't want to put effort into solving a problem.
This same person always has dozens of notifications sitting in the notification shade. Stuff you just don't need to see, that Android lets you silence. Or just app notifications. Well no wonder he doesn't want another messenger, with that much garbage he wouldn't know he got a new message.
I am an iPhone user among a school of half-and-half iPhone and Android users. None of the iPhone users I've met care what bubbles you blow and while I have some friends that do prefer iMessage (when possible) we have all accepted that it's not cross-platform and a lot of people just use alternatives.
The bubble obsession is just a lie that tech news uses to sensationalize RCS marketing. While the point of cross-platform still stands, nobody cares about bubbles. At most we just talk about how sending SMS costs extra money than data one already has for some people.
Signal does not have an official api to be implemented by third party clients. There are very few clients that can work with signal. It does not 'support' third party clients.
Well, there are many!
Chats that can be simultaneously accessed from multiple devices? Video messages? Sticker packs that can be added with links and packs are availiable from one sticker sent? Animated stickers? Bots?(idk if bots are there on signal) Inline bots? Group management?
Groups with 200,000members? Modular admin permissions for groups? Emojis with animations? Channels? Usernames? A non-electron app? Themes which can customise every single colour to any color which can be made and shared? Send message without notifying? Group voice channels which people can hope in and out? Screensharing in calls(unsure)? Code formatting? 2GB media upload? Smooth and quick animations everywhere?(this one might be relative)
Fingerprint app unlock?(If it exist, its not working for me)
Theese are the ones i can remember now, there are more
It's nowhere near as convenient as Telegram, the clients on each OS are at best OK.
Show me conversation history when I login to Signal desktop. Oh, yea, it doesn't do that. Is there even a web login?
From a typical user standpoint, Signal looks like text messaging, and that matters to them. And it's not simple to manage.
Signal is coming along, and I look forward to when it's mature enough that I can get people to use it (again). But they also made a massive mistake in dropping SMS support. That was my best tool to get people to switch. When they dropped SMS, those folks all left signal.