Or charged with a crime. All the protections of a person with none of the liability. Seriously it’s beyond stupid. If someone said that to you you would laugh awkwardly and get out of the convo asap and depending who it was talk to their family about possible treatment from psychiatric providers. Yet here we are, having to all pretend like the psycho is right because they bribed a politician into making it the law.
well, that's kind of exactly what we're saying. we are stating what laissez faire capitalism is. i agree that it is antisocial, greedy, immoral and a bane of our existence...and really the major thing holding modern society back. i never said i support a free market (hint: i don't)....just stating what it is. your reply might come off as antisocial (ie morons)
So the way to counteract that would be passing laws preventing it? The thing being proposed?
This is like me saying "my house is on fire! Put water on it!" And someone replying "you shouldn't do that because the purpose of fire is to burn things" and thinking they're clever. Nobody here is pro-fire.
Hmmm... Can you tell me how to use my paid leave? I like it when medical leave gets denied because I wasn't sick enough. Beat me with those loopholes, daddy!
Looks like people think that's what you said. Maybe you should consider clarifying instead of just saying "I didn't say that" or "read it again".
If the majority of people are "misunderstanding" you, maybe you should consider the possibility that the problem is with what you said, not with the people reading it.
If everyone is misunderstanding you, and you can't figure out how to reword or explain your intention, that's not a circle jerk. That's just you expressing yourself incredibly poorly.
Reword it, delete it, or walk away. Insisting people "read it again" isn't doing anything.
I was just saying that as I was about to send my 6-year old out to the corner store to go buy some cigarettes for me, since our free market hasn’t imposed any restrictions on that transaction.
Or if you look at the housing market specifically, in my area at least, I can’t buy a second home in the same area as an individual. I can buy investment properties that I’d need to rent out, but I’m forbidden from owning a second residence for myself.
State, Local, and Federal lawmakers are constantly proactively prohibiting bad scenarios. And in this case, it wouldn’t even be proactive, it’s literally something that’s going on right now that needs corrected.
Gods yes. We can't predict every sort of bad behavior in the market, only react. Bunch of arm-chair quarterbacks in here, "We should have seen this coming!" Watch 10 people tell me exactly how we could have.
And on this issue, it's high time to react. Doubt it will happen. :(
It's not a free market... that's not an actual thing that can ever exist. It's a state where the markets are in a perfect, frictionless state, where barriers of entry are non-existent and everyone has equal access to trade on the market... Ignoring petty things like needing to actually source things
It is, in fact, both reasonable and desirable for the government to proactively watch and interfere in the markets before they enter a failure scenario, that's their job in the market.
It's often willfully misunderstood, but what you're describing is a half step from lasse faire capitalism. Which is the idea that a "free market" is a stable state, and we just need to let it settle long enough without interference. But that's literally psuedoscience...