For fucks sake. He's trying to do everything he can to alert the country their democracy is in grave danger to the point of admitting he wouldn't still be there if he didn't think he had the best chance of stopping Trump.
And at the sidelines we have endless hand-wringing about his age and calls for a better candidate.
Everyone complains the Democrats suck at messaging and then removed about everything they say and do, even when it's honest, straightforward, and easy to understand.
This is not at all the only conclusion one would draw from an incumbent president not drawing challengers. Incumbent challenges usually cause division and a divided party may be in a worse place than a party unifying around a bad candidate. If Biden decides to run, we're pretty much stuck with him.
I am totally dismissing both Cornell West* (thanks for the correction) and Robert Kennedy Jr because of their third party runs in this environment, and anyone else wanting to challenge Biden would need to make a very solid case that they are a better pick.
It's worth saying I wanted Bernie. I don't think even trying to pivot to him would be a good idea.
I don't think this is who you meant. Cornell West maybe?
I think we're stuck with Biden. We'd be in a better place if he'd had some humility and announced he wasn't going to run again so we could have a primary with worthy candidates in it, but he didn't, so here we are.
Yeah, him, and thanks for the correction. It's late, I'm tired and obviously cranky.
Also agreed, but he would have needed to say that four years ago and honestly, that move to have everyone else step aside back then so Biden could get the nomination destroyed the credibility of every one of those younger candidates.
To be clear, I’m fine with him and his age, I just think the minimal quote that will inevitably be amplified may be too useful for the hand-wringers and GOP.
People balk that they aren't doing anything and need to be taught a lesson to go further left
Republicans win the subsequent midterm because of poor turnout
The country gets dragged to the right, and people balk that Democrats aren't making things better or stopping them
Republicans win the presidency and Congress
People complain that it's Democrats faults because they didn't do anything to inspire them to vote
Withholding a vote to push Dems left would work if Republicans actually were basically the same. But because they're right wing extremists, all it accomplished is the opposite. The country moves right, not left.
I like how in your example the Republicans get to push the country right but the Dems cant push it left. Republicans are not winning super majorities every time they do things, and yet they get it done. There's a large monied wing of the Democrats that works as hard as the Republicans to block a lot of progress, and time and time again magic spoiler democrats come out of nowhere and theres always just enough of them, really curious how there's always just enough of those types to keep the rich donors safe.
Democrats do not want to do what they say they want to do as much as Republicans want to do what they say they want do.
"Our democracy" has been dead for a century. You guys are like rats running around a maze with your moronic "lesser of two evils" between two parties all controlled by the same interests.
Overall in total, I probably agree, but the raw quote of saying that he’d probably not be running if Trump wasn’t running is giving certain groups too much ammo. They won’t present or repeat everything said, just that tiny quote or versions of it.
OTOH if the GOP wants Biden to drop out all they have to do is get Trump to do the same. So it’s on them. They want Biden out all Trump has to do is continue to shit his pants in FL and never run again.
They don't care about truth and reality either. If you play the game of addressing every GOP slander and lie you'll lose every time. They just keep flinging crap at the wall in the hopes something sticks. They don't care how many buckets it takes.
I’m not doing that, I’m just saying it’s unhelpful to give them ammunition that is or could be specifically age-oriented or imply retirement, etc, when that’s the absolute number one attack point by the opposition, Dem or GOP. This isn’t hard to understand.
And I'm saying it's pointless to worry about ammunition when they just make everything up anyway. Playing defense doesn't work. You're looking at this statement purely defensively. You need to look at it and spin it offensively. "I care so much about this country and protecting it from blatant fascism that I'm going into the breach once more." That's the sentiment.