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neocamel Watching my dad right-click, and select "Copy" from the popup menu...
101 0 Replyknr1651727106
I don't watch my dad use the computer anymore as I feel the same as the one in the comic.
That time I saw him log in to his yahoo email (tldr; my dad uses google to go to yahoo)
- Open Chrome (which I set as the homepage)
- Type in to the search bar
- Click from the results
- Click on the Mail button thing somewhere in that page
Or that one time I asked him to login to to gmail account while he was browsing his yahoo email. (tldr; my dad does not believe in tabs)
- Close his Chrome browser with the yahoo email.
- Open Chrome again
- Type in gmail in the google search bar
- Click from the results.
71 0 Replyz3k3
This was painful to read. :|
26 0 Replylem_dart Oh... Oh No. Closing the entire browser to open a new tab. I don't blame you at all for not being able to watch.
23 0 Replysaltyboomer This just made me miss my dad so much. Pain.
12 0 Replyeinsteinx2
I read the TL;DRs knowing what was going to happen only to continue reading and feel physical pain. What’s wrong with me…
9 0 Replybaker There was a recurring gag on Parks And Rec about Pawnee internet users needing Altavista so they could use it to navigate to Google. That joke felt very real.
8 0 Replyjscummy When you check your email, you go to AltaVista and type "please go to"?
3 0 Reply
PseudoSpock The horror!
4 0 Replythisisnotgoingwell I can understand parents. My mom was an office admin before computers and she could type 130+ wpm on a typewriter, but she struggles with things like this. Bless her, I'm happy to help her whenever she needs. My dad was a DOS beast in his day but he can't help himself from adding sketchy browser extensions.
Now, when I run into peer "engineers" that use computers like this.... That I cannot forgive
2 0 Reply
At least he right-clicked instead of going for the menu at the top!
58 0 Replys_s
My Dad has had a post-it note above his computer for years, "Crl-C Copy, Crl-V Paste"
12 0 ReplyTheCee
Imagine using the menu key and always using the shortcut in the popup menu...
4 0 Reply