You’re either in control or you’re not. You don’t get to have so much control that you can arrest people but then throw your hands up and say it’s a war zone.
The world isn't as binary as you seem to think it is. Clearly they are doing both, so they can. Control ebbs and flows and can be gained and lost, and can be at values other than 100% or 0%.
And don’t act like Israel’s hands are clean.
I'm not. There's plenty of blood on everyone's hands in a conflict that has gone on this long. Google irgun to see the worst of it. Still, I find Israel to be by far the more sympathetic party. They haven't behaved that way since the Jews became a nation and Israel's civil rights record is far better than those who oppose them today.
They used terrorism to get rid of the British troops
Arabs also used unlawful violence against the British.
and pursue the original Nakba.
...said land losses were the result of declaring war on Israel in '48 and losing.
White washing that with some “they just hate us” propaganda is bullshit.
They are literally murdering Israeli civlians en masse. If it were peaceful hate there would be no war.
So you have a choice. It’s either a war crime ...
Still waiting on citations that Israel's military courts count as a war crime.
or Apartheid.
Such definitions pervert the meaning of Apartheid, and depend on treating a belligerent national group like an ethnic group. This is nothing like South Africa; Arabs are 20% of Israeli citizens and are not subject to the same restrictions as the hostile Arab nations trying to kill them.
You might be interested in this video regarding how the UN declaring Israel an Apartheid state went down.