There's serious money in peddling fantasies of female submission online, but it may be exacerbating male loneliness
If the average American were asked what they imagine the priorities of the feminist movement are these days, most people would likely cite concerns like "fighting abortion bans" or "getting justice for sexual violence victims" or boring mainstays like "equal pay for equal work." But if you listen in to the world of right-wing social media influencers, they have a different answer. To them, feminists are single-mindedly obsessed with destroying women who identify as "tradwives."
While our kids were little, my wife could've had a job that just about broke even with daycare. Maybe netted $200/mo. Why the hell would I put her through all that and spend on gas and an extra vehicle for $50/wk. That's a buck an hour! The family was better off being supported on a single income.
It wasn't kinky. Well okay we worked a little kink into it. I'm not saying everyone needs to try this one little hack, but we ran the math and dual income didn't make sense for us; single income wasn't anything we had to try to make work. Yeah we had to make choices and limit ourselves a little, but only a tiny bit less than otherwise. Our monthly budget was like $3k or something and another $200 was nothing.
TMI: I mean we are kinky so it felt like a natural fit at first but it didn't take very long to get uncomfortable with household submission outside the bedroom. Especially since we have daughters and even if it was sexy for us, it sure as hell wasn't behavior I wanted to model for them.
So as far as your point goes it really wasn't kinky, but I have some understanding of how it can be for some folks who already decide single income is the right choice for them. But once kids enter the picture, kink has to go behind closed doors. Family dynamic has to grow beyond just what tickles two people.
It's definitely part of the context. What do you imagine these stay at home wives are supposed to do while they aren't earning money? The desire for a tradwife and the number of times per day the word "cuck" goes through their heads is closely related.
Kids are certainly part of the alpha-male fantasy package. They wants fifties household complete with kids and the husband spanking the wife if there are water spots on the dishes. Kids are both a status symbol and another layer of control.
I managed to find them while exploring a related kink that I would like to avoid naming as I don't enjoy being kinkshamed.
The experience with the discord community I had joined was positive at first but became negative over a series of poorly moderated interactions and increasingly poor community rule implementations.
That being said, the thing I found in common was that the women who were interested in that lifestyle tends to enjoy having an easier life and not having to worry about the every career bullshit. Instead getting to focus on keeping a house neat and orderly, ensuring meals were worked and other activities.
More power to them I suppose, reminds me a little too much of secret society by nofx or the 3 slogans from 1984