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mateomaui Pineapple cheese salad
Never heard of this, wonder how it is baked on a pizza crust.
(Yes, everyone’s cries are delicious.)
18 1 Replycan No you actually made it sound good
9 0 Replywhatwhatwhatwhat From what I can tell, the primary ingredients are:
- Pineapple
- Cheddar cheese
- Crumbled bacon
- Mini marshmallows
The first three sound great on a pizza, but the marshmallows ruin it for me.
4 0 Replymateomaui oh those are marshmallows. I thought they were some kind of white cheese cubes.
I’d try it at least once for science.
6 1 Replycan It's just sugar. Caramelize it a bit and it's dessert.
2 0 ReplyDuranie At my boyfriend's request I made sweet potato casserole for the first time ever. The recipe was... something.
Basically mashed sweet potatoes with eggs and vanilla beaten in. Then a brown sugar, pecan, butter crumble topping, and then once done baking it gets mini marshmallows broiled on top.
I don't eat shit that sweet for dessert! Lol (although it's disturbing how tasty it was )
2 0 ReplyHolyhandgrenade
Wait this is supposed to be the meal and not the dessert??
I was thinking it sounded delicious but main course, holy shit3 0 Reply
chetradley OP Pineapple, cheddar cheese, mini marshmallows and pecans covered in custard.
2 0 Replypseudo
Wait ? That's sweet ? I'm disappointed. I was dreaming about some cheesy Midwest potatoes salad. Is custard use a sauce ? That's original.
1 1 Reply