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Are these all pronounced exactly the same way?
17 0 Replyboredtortoise Actually yes. You can stress out some syllables to say YOUR moon is burning and such but it doesn't help a lot. Context matters
25 0 Replyhungryphrog OP
Yep. Or maybe you could say that they have a teeny tiny difference, but it's barely noticeable if you aren't listening very closely.
8 0 ReplyBeigeAgenda
Most likely not, I expect it's the same as what you can do in English, put the stress on different places in a sentence to give different meaning.
6 0 Replyboredtortoise They all actually sound quite the same. Some syllables can be stressed to highlight parts of the sentences. YOUR moon vs your MOON
13 0 ReplyBeigeAgenda
Finnish people gets this imprinted from birth, other people thinks "How can this work? 🤨"
4 0 Replyboredtortoise I had some Scandinavian colleagues joke with me about how their languages have these melodic intonations and we speak everything in monotone and they can't wrap their heads around it.
4 0 Reply