This is the problem, DNC is refusing to hold a primary and is hell bent on forcing one of the only dem candidates who can lose to Trump upon us.
This is mostly about Biden’s ego - he thinks his legacy requires 2 terms. But what of his legacy if he loses the election, and democracy, all at the same time?! It’s madness.
Call your reps. Call the whitehouse. Demand a primary be held so this Titanic can avoid that MASSIVE orange iceberg, because it’s dead ahead right now and we’re barreling towards it.
Biden barely beat Trump in 2020. It was by 40k votes in 5 swing states, and the latest polling shows Biden down badly in those same states this time around.
People's opinions when voting matter, and just cause you don't want to think about 2016 and think this tiny bubble of influence is enough doesn't mean it cant happen again. You need to have a plan and embrace reality. Biden is, in fact, in trouble of losing.
Trumps base is NOT dying off. They and their kids are saturated with non-stop radical right wing propaganda all day long every day in their trucks, their barns, their shops. The youth are actively courted incessantly.
Wonder what the effects of corona will show in this next election. And of course there are new GOP kids, but not nearly to the same extent as the other way around.
7 million?! This is a tragic misconception. Do you understand how the electoral college works? Trump LOST the popular vote to Hillary, and still won in 2016.
Biden won by a slim margin of 40k votes across 5 key swing states in 2020, all of which polling shows he is now losing to Trump. Polls also show he is down by over 10% nationally, which means he has no chance. He’s an incumbent who has dropped below 40% approval rating nationally…this means he has 0% chance of winning.
I don't live in the US so I don't have a horse in this race
But it just seems like half of the people here can't qualify Biden's successes (and why he'd be worth a second voting for again) and the other half are just scared that Trump is on his way back and therefore the Dems need to vote like crazy to keep him out, regardless of how lacklustre his current term was.
I'll say it here: he lost the popular vote with his unequivocal support for Israel. As a self proclaimed Zionist, he chose Israel's genocide of Gaza over Trump's victory and too many voters are going to remember that over whatever he's going to promise (which so far is nothing; his campaign so far is just reminding everyone that the other guy exists).
There's no way Dems win this one, unless Biden cedes to a more worthwhile candidate.
That's quite the myopic view of US national politics. Biden can't stop Netanyaho from performing escalatio on Gaza than he can force Macron to limit France's trade coziness with China, affect the interaction between Pedro Sanchez and Catalan separatists, or require Erdogan to admit Sweden into NATO. He has influence, but he doesn't hold veto power over a foreign leader.
Can you please explain the "isn't even a functioning democracy" part? From my understanding it is a democracy, and their latest election got them a minority govt that had to go into coalition against their opposition. What makes it non-functioning?
LoL how many times has Bibi been outted but only for them to realize they had no replacement or structure on how to do anything about it and had to take him back now? What like 3 times now? Great government for the worlds largest museum for Abrahamic religions with guns.
Agree with that to some extent, But he obviously can denounce BB's atrocities to say the least. The double standard between Ukraine and Palestine is sickening
I really don't think Gaza will be a defining issue in the 2024 election. It's already fallen out of the news cycle and Gaza city will be under full occupation by next Nov.
Trump, however, will be in the middle of taking a huge beating by all his court cases. There's zero chance he ever gets more support than what he had last election. The best thing we can hope for is that the GOP puts him up for another election.
Both parties have the same issue right now. Both candidates don't have great appeal. But there aren't any Democrats that have an issue voting for Biden. He's been fine as president. We don't have to worry about him going off half cocked all the time. The party will fall behind him. The same can't be said for Trump.
The populations of US and Canada have a memory of a frog, the people at large won't remember a thing unless you blast in on repeat near election time.
Democrats will likely target abortion protection as it is a winning issue and message for them. Republicans might be hesitant to hold on to the Gaza issue for 10 months as it is so divisive and is best exploited when events happen, plus if pressed on what Republicans and some Democrats would do differently you'd get humming, hawing and platitudes.
If I were a US voter (I'm not) I'd try to look past any single event. Trump continuously stirred shit in the US and around the world and spent his time fellating dictators like Putin and Kim Jong Un. His administration focused on separating families at the border, eroding net neutrality, give away money through tax breaks, ample amounts of loans that were forgiven, packing the Supreme court with cronies to twist the meaning of the Constitution. Biden on the other hand put people in charge to hold corporations and anti-competitive monopolies accountable for once, strengthen labour law, did everything in his power to reduce student debt, actually managed the Covid crisis and on and on. He did bung up a few things imo like how he handled the Iraq pullout and the rail strike but those were rough situations that I could at least still put a base amount of trust in him in the future not to fuck up too badly.
half of the people here can’t qualify Biden’s successes
People are happier running around removed because it is far easier than taking the trouble to delve into the real news.
The MSM is largely responsible for it. Biden has to continue aid to Israel because it is popular. What most people don't see is his behind the scene work of getting Israel to the table instead of the launch button. Biden has been working through Qatar to get Iran and Hamas to back off, simultaneously rounding up support for a multinational force to enforce a border between Israel and Palestine while possibly establishing a two state solution with international teeth.