Social media is shit, and will always be shit, because the people who make social platforms are petty authoritarians bent on punishing the world because they didn't get enough pussy in high school. It is not a substitute for a well-curated collection of RSS feeds.
The answer to your question.
There are news channels that are only on social networks. Or bloggers who publish insider information about new equipment.
As far as I know, you can't do without scraping on the server if you want to receive news from social networks.
Except for off-the-shelf solutions like Nitter instants.
There are news channels that are only on social networks.
And you're better off ignoring them. Corporate news channels are nothing but advertising and propaganda.
As far as I know, you can’t do without scraping on the server if you want to receive news from social networks.
Not to be pedantic, but web scraping and port scanning aren't the same. If you had mentioned scraping before I'd have been content to say that sites that make you scrape instead of providing RSS feeds are run by assholes.