I've got the hardware to use VR on my gaming rig.
But between the entry cost for the actual VR equipment, and the sheer lack of games that look interesting I don't see the point in it.
Then again, the lack of games that look interesting isn't just a VR problem - to me at least.
Repeating patterns of slight upgrades to visuals, mechanics I grew bored of a decade ago, etc.
I used to rip on Madden/FIFA/Sports games in general for that crap, but it seems to be the trend.
That being said, I've felt jaded about games since I was a teen, and that was a long time ago, but there was always something to keep my attention.
Don't really have any other majornhobbies though, so I'm at a bit of an impasse on that subject. I do spend more time with my wife though, lol.