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Does anyone feel like an actual adult?

Even with a good career and all the "adult milestones" I don't feel like an actual adult. I feel like I'm pretending to know what I'm doing. Anyone else experience this?


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  • People glorify adulting as some kind of ultimate maturity for ones self. It is not that. Adulting is predicting what can and won't be your life. Surviving better each day. While also keeping after yourself in a healthy manner.

    We are always growing until we die. Adulting is accepting what can be and what can't be and living with yourself.

    Perceive reality as it is and accept the successes and failures along the way.

    One day you will see people for what they are and are not. That day your awareness of the world will change.

    I've noticed it has become easier to see liers as I've gotten older and mentally ill people.

    • "I've noticed it has become easier to see liers as I've gotten older and mentally ill people."

      Sometimes I wonder if we are all mentally ill. Some might say those thoughts stem from depression or such but it makes more sense to me that sanity is a spectrum where 0 and 10 are near unreachable. We make decisions that won't help ourself, but we excuse it because we think it will make us happy at the time. Chasing happiness ultimately seems like an act outside of sanity.

      • I believe it is easier to see mentally ill people because I was depressed at one point and noticing the behaviors is easier. While I don't subscribe to the "we are all mentally ill" frame of mind, I do believe that it is a good majority of humans.

        I believe that chasing happiness is ultimately impossible. However, being happy with ones self and coming to terms with your reality and accepting what you can and cannot change is possible. Do not dwell on what you cannot change and change what you can.

        I have noticed through my own actions and the action of others that we limit ourselves through self sabotage. If we sabotage ourselves and stop ourselves from actually failing then we already know the outcome and cannot be more discouraged than if we actually try. This is why I say accept failure and learn from it. "It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life" -Jean-Luc Picard