They actually have something of a point here. They're essentially arguing unskilled work doesn't exist. They're saying all work is skilled work. They're saying the very notion of unskilled is a fantasy used to excuse not paying for certain work. They even implied the opposite of what you claimed, by insulting people who use the term unskilled to justify unpaid work...
I'm going to be honest with you, I really don't have a stake in this argument. The only reason I'm following him around and antagonizing him is to show him how ridiculous it is to assert that the social contract we all share isn't necessary.
He made it a point to declare his right to be an asshole and also explained that his purpose of existence is soley to be intolerant towards tolerant people, in the name of cynically proving that any person who claims to be tolerant actually isn't. All this on a post ironically about the paradox of tolerance. And that's when I looked at his profile and noticed he's just kind of an asshole to everyone.
So I'm agitating him to demonstrate that you can't just skirt the conversational norms we all abide by and troll in the name of your right to be an asshole.
It's kind of petty, I know. But I'm not really concerned with representing his argument honestly, since intellectual honesty is something he doesn't abide by either by his own declaration.
Yes I just wrote this, everything that gets pay today is in fact more than unskilled. Go fuck yourself you removed clown, you literally entertain me for free and don't even see the irony in it.