Is this true, Canada?
Is this true, Canada?
Found in Manchester, UK.
Is this true, Canada?
Found in Manchester, UK.
You're viewing a single thread. Told ya so!
They're missing text underneath it saying "In 2003".
He lives outside of memes? Thanks for everything. You and a few others have done so much for the early fediverse.
Memes are just a weighted blanket for my life. Occasionally my toes poke out.
Thanks buddy. I try my best. Past couple weeks things have been a bit off so I haven't been able to post as much as usual but it's been nice to see stuff still churning on anyway with more people stepping up and memeing out. I absolutely love this place and I'll never stop being all "aww shucks" with comments like this. If I could have even a tiny part to do with this place being lively and awesome then I can die happy.