Can we please stop obsessing over the polls when we still have a full year of campaigning to get through? Let's at least hold off until Super Tuesday, okay?
You don't have to obsess over the polls, but polling data is valuable information for those who vote in primaries.
If a primary voter likes three candidates more or less equally, but one polls really bad and another really well, then that can help make an informed decision to select the candidate with the best chances to win the general.
"We polled five people at the Fuck Trump Convention if they would vote for Trump. Extrapolating this data, we can see that nobody in America will vote for Trump next year."
Polling in the US hasn't been super accurate the last few go rounds. That's likely due to the market being flooded with shitty low efficacy polls but it does make it hard to believe news that announce "polling says"
That's not necessarily true. The polls in 2022 were extremely accurate. The fact that the media created a "red wave" narrative despite the polling is a totally separate issue.
This polling won't help you vote in the primaries. In the primaries you vote for whomever you feel is the top candidate. Then in the general you vote for the best candidate left. This is just click bait.
It’ll be interesting to see how that changed things. Particularly in Georgia. The “party of states rights” wouldn’t dare break trump out of jail… would they?
From Francis Wilhoit: “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”
Seriously, we are on the cusp of being beating over the metaphorical head with all the political nonsense for the next year...let's enjoy the small moments of peace we have.
Well, that does seem to be what this guy is saying. The polls indicate Trump would win the primary and is leading or equal with Biden, this guy says otherwise.
Right. And the only thing that needs to be said about such polls this far out is "talk to me again in six months." We're much too far out to be prognosticating election outcomes based on polling data from yesterday.