That poll putting Trump ahead of Biden in all the major battleground states sure looks terrifying, but there's never been an election more clouded by the unknown than this one.
That poll putting Trump ahead of Biden in all the major battleground states sure looks terrifying, but there's never been an election more clouded by the unknown than this one.
A week after Halloween and the scary monsters are still abroad in the land.
Scary polls!
Scary plans!
Boogedy, boogedy!
It was a great weekend for intellectual doomscrolling, to say nothing of galloping paranoia. First, The New York Times comes out with a poll that shows the president is trailing Fulton County (Ga.) Inmate No. PO1135809 in all the major battleground states.
I think this is why Trump could win. "I don't believe the polls".
Democrats need to wake the fuck up - Biden is not a good candidate and time is running out to select someone else. Don't ignore the polls because you don't like what they say - that is utter stupidity.
Democrats are going to let Trump back in by their own stupid machinations pretending that everyone thinks an 81 year old president is a good idea.
This is like Hilary Clinton all over again - it was "her turn" to run so big hitters sat out the primaries. She was a bad candidate - she won her own vote well but in the US system you have to win the electoral college and she didn't do it.
This is nothing like Clinton. Biden already won and any other candidate would need insanely good numbers to overcome the power of incumbency. Obama had an approval rating of 38% (lower than Biden now) a year before the 2012 election and still easily won the election (332-206).
Whatever your opinion of Biden, the Democrats would be very dumb to run another candidate.
The polls said the race was much closer than people online or pundits would have had you believe. I know, because anytime I mentioned it online I'd get downvoted and when I mentioned it in real life people would get angry.