Weird how when it comes to helping the working class, taxing the rich is never an option. But when it comes to helping the ruling class, you can tax the working class and print money.
You don't give money to the bums
on a corner with a sign bleeding from their gums
Talking about you don't support a crackhead
What you think happens to the money from your taxes
Shit the governments an addict
With a billion dollar a week kill brown people habit
Didn't it just come from taxes. I know they claim there's never any money but there's always money, they just don't to use any of it.
They're always claiming they need to raise taxes but they don't, they just need to spend them. Also possibly maybe they shouldn't give contracts to their chums as backhanders. Maybe then they get better deals.
Every dollar they can save by not spending on making US citizens lives better can be used to buy another missile or drone. The Ukrainian and Israeli armies have benefitted more from our tax dollars than US citizens have in recent times, it seems.
I'm all for weakening our second biggest potential enemy, who got into their current situation through an act of baseless aggression, by spending tax money supplying high tech weaponry to an ally willing to spend it's populations lives in defense of their country and ideals. That is a win-win.
I'm not so much ok with spending tax dollars to support a genocide.
No, Treasury directed the fed to issue bonds and run those loans through banks and businesses. When Congress spends money, it spends it into existence- it doesn't have a pool of dollars that people have sent in somewhere.
For that matter, when you pay your taxes, the money is used to zero out the bonds (again, in the Fed's ledger) used to issue it. Remember, money in circulation is (from the POV of the fed) a liability on its books.