Pre bottled Soylent got me through a very rough time in grad school when I couldn't eat because I was afraid to leave my room. The powdered stuff wouldn't have worked because you have to prep it and clean up (meaning I would have to have left my room). So pre bottled practically saved my life.
I've moved past that now. It's a bit pricey to keep up with when you go pre bottled and it's not available in stores like Walgreens. Plus the best flavor (Cafe Mocha) was hurting my stomach. The only other flavor I didn't mind was the strawberry flavor. All the others kind of suck. But it really has some pretty good utility.
If I'm ever in a pinch now, I just go with whatever nutrition shake is at my local corner drug store instead. Usually it seems to be a brand like Ensure or something. I can't stand the regular chocolate or vanilla flavor that these meal shakes generally have, so I try to seek out a dark chocolate. Soylent didn't seem to have that yet when I stopped buying from them.