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Yerbouti The day they kill old reddit will be the end of reddit for me.
30 1 Replygnomesaiyan
The day they kill old reddit will be the end of reddit itself. A lot of moderators depend on the older interface (along with RES) to manage their communities. Imagine trying to mod with reddit's current interface.
21 0 Replyiamkindasomeone
Well they already did that when shutting down the API. And yet they try to keep that thing alive in most subs.
5 1 ReplyPerfide Killing the API made modding on mobile harder, but it mostly didn't affect desktop mod tools. Killing old.reddit would be a huge deal.
9 0 Replyiamkindasomeone
I thought it did though. Thats what the mods at least told.
1 0 Reply
Wooki Why is it not the end already? Drop it, move on, you will be better off for you might even realise how much of a problem you have
3 0 ReplyYerbouti Thanks mom, I will.
2 0 ReplyWooki Your mental health matters dear. Eat plenty of greens and no more reddit!
1 0 ReplyYerbouti Can you get me some Capt'n crunch on your way back home? Pretty please??
1 0 Reply