Thanks for the source, I wasn't sure if you were referring to settlers or something else I wasn't aware of. Yeah that's pretty fucked up how some settlers treat local Arabs and I hope crimes like the cold-blooded murder on that video are prosecuted. Terrorism is unacceptable. Extremist settlers seem to be partially responsible for a lot of the recent escalation, their flash mob in the temple mount mosque was cited as one of the motivations for Hamas' attack. If they are not kept in check they threaten future peace.
This is what happens when you cooperate with Israel.
The 20% of Israel's population who are Arab/Palestinians and are not belligerent seem to be faring better. Plenty of governments cooperate with Israel with very good results. So, what's different about these? A long history of warfare and broken promises between them.
You’re blaming the victim here, you realize right?
Just because one is on the losing end of asymmetrical warfare does not mean they are victims with no responsibility for their situation. Ultimately Palestine's position has mostly to do with declaring war on Israel multiple times and losing, then remaining belligerent and engaging in guerilla attacks against them for the next half-century. Thanks largely to this stoking of animosity despite Palestine's hopeless military situation, both parties have moved further right. Parts of Palestine embraced Hamas, Israel's moderate president was assassinated and the government moved more rightwards. Then, there's the recent attack that killed thousands of civilians. It's hard to see a territory whose government does that as a victim.
There's plenty of examples of victimhood to be found on both sides of this conflict, but ultimately one side has been defeated, has no hope to achieve their military goals, yet refuses to surrender or negotiate for a viable peace. Israel is running out of options for security, the carrot and the stick have not worked, and so I suspect they will now try annexation and distance.