You tell me tovaricsh if you are pretending not to know and stupid. But then again, propagandists are paid too deep and filthy like animals to tell the truth.
Russians are interesting lot, even both Russian communists and neo-Nazis are imperialists and genociders who support Putin, despite the lack of ideological commonalities. The only common denominator is being ultranationalists. It just confirms anyone's observations that Russians are nationalists first, and whatever second.
Don't worry, keep talking mud. I am helping you fund your dacha somewhere in Siberia when Russia collapse again for the second time in thirty years so you could stay nice and safe there.
You said there was a quote from Putin, and I'm waiting for you to show me that quote. Since we both know this quote doesn't exist, that makes you a liar and the fact that you continue trolling here makes an idiot.
Also, hilarious that a Canadian would bleat about genocide. Canada is the home of genocide and continues to commit genocide against the native population last I checked.
Finally, I'm a Canadian living in Canada, but good to see you expose yourself a racist scumbag that you are here.
Seems like Russia is still stuck in the 19rh century to think imperialism and genocide is still normalised then?
Sure you are a Canadian, tovarisch. Keep posting and spewing bs. I will help you buy a dacha eventually. For every nonsense you spout, you get paid a cent. Da?
By the way, you never answered the question. Have you spoken to those imprisoned during the Soviet Union? Or will you keep lying that there were never any arbitrary arrests?
You're a curious specimen. How's it going there in St Petersburg without Prigozhin?
Lol, spoken like a true Krembot with the whataboutism! Oh you crack me up. I'm asking you non-playable character with repeating script. You keep lying that mass arrests never happened in the Soviet Union. Have you spoken to the former detainees? I'm not denying that the genocide of Native Americans, you're the one denying that there was no arbitrary arrests and promoting genocide of Ukrainians. Have you spoken to former detainees? I'm not even Canadian nor live there, you're the one who claims to be one.
Tell, me what it's it like being a genocidal settler in Canada Ukraine who steals land from the native people and then systematically eradicates them. Tell me what it's like being a propagandist despite falling value of ruble? See, I am helping you buy a dacha by keeping you engaged. Many Russians never had it so good, am I right? All the blood money from killing and promoting the genocide of Ukrainians lets buy you Audi and pick up truck for your mommy and daddy in a Siberian village? Da tovarisch?
Have you spoken to former detainees in the Soviet Union? Putin commemorated the former gulag inmates you know? So you can't deny that mass arrest never existed. Scramble now for whatever script you'll be given comrade on how to respond to that.
I see you've got nothing new to say, but you really are bothered because every time you respond with a word salad. Imagine living in a nation that's built on the genocide of the native population, that operated concentration camps for kids into the 80s, and that currently continues to occupy unceded native land, and brutally repress native population, and bleat about USSR. What an utter hypocritical imbecile you are. What a complete and utter piece of human garbage Canada managed to produce. The most hilarious part is that you don't even realize what you are.
I don't live in a settler country. Did one of your agents forget who you are speaking to? Trolling multiple people at the same time?
Imagine being paid to spout word salad, dodge questions, and promote the dehumanisation and genocide of neighbours, all in the name of Putin and a country who is going to lose and be a puppet of China.
What a human garbage Kremlin has produced. I hope you realise what you are-- a genocide denier and a misinformation removed paid a cent per post. How do you sleep at night knowing you are brainwashing people and twisting history and the future of society? Have you spoken to former detainees of USSR? How would your handlers spin Putin admitting the crimes of your country with its gulag?