It's not garbage it's just classic Bethesda, by which I mean current classic Bethesda, as opposed to classic classic Bethesda.
Have you noticed how pretty much every mission is, fast travel to place x, kill a bunch of grunts, loot the body of the main guy, fast travel back to quest giver, get money.
The story is fine but the gameplay loop is just dull.
I want to fly my ship around and I want a moon buggy (What's the point of entire procedurally generated planets if you can't look at them, I know they're boring but still).
I just played Morrowind for the first time. If you talk to someone not facing you, they will not rotate to look at you. This feature is still in Starfield
Its empty. Nothing is happening on the planets. You walk for minutes from one place to the next, have 2 loading screens in that time and nothing of interest is happening
Hating Bethesda is cool at the moment so people only discuss the negatives of starfield and not the positives.
Having said that I'm only 8hrs in so my opinion isn't worth shit really. But I'm enjoying it so far having met constellation and then just fucked off on my own for a bit to explore
Seems to be really divided. Probably related to how people perceive the main game loop. You either hate it, in which case you'll be restricted to the main quest, which isn't very long; or you love it, in which case you can keep playing for hundreds of hours.
You can enjoy it, but that doesn't mean it's good. I would just have fun with it if you don't see any problems. Otherwise if you're curious, go and find the reviews that outline very clearly how bad it is.